The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
Tom Paris is abducted and tortured while on an away mission. After he is rescued, Paris must come to terms with what happened and take responsibility for his own actions. He learns a lesson in responsibility and friendship. This is a character study involving several characters from the show.
Tom Paris returns to duty after putting his experiences on Trylan V behind him, or has he? A new problem threatens to bring Tom’s universe crashing down on him and the rest of the crew. This story is set a few weeks after the events in my last story, during the fourth season. Both stories are set after The Gift, but before Day of Honor.