Stories tagged with: legal drama

Star Trek: Odyssey – Isle of the Sun Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9 “Good news, Commander!” said Hux. The holographic avatar of the station apparated half a meter away from Chakotay’s face, startling him out of his fretful reverie. “Your crew have returned for you!” “They’re here now?” said Chakotay. “They’ve just arrived through the Travel Network, and hardly a moment to spare. I have to […]

Star Trek: Odyssey – Isle of the Sun Chapter 8

CHAPTER 8 Chakotay sampled a dab of protein paste and grimaced. It resembled old, plain oatmeal, congealed and devoid of flavor. Chakotay took a moment to gird himself, then he picked up the tube of paste and squeezed its contents directly into his mouth. “Ugh, ack.” He grabbed the water bladder he’d been provided with […]

Star Trek: Odyssey – The Isle of the Sun Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 “Here we go again,” said Tom. He was seated on Chakotay’s left, in the pilot seat of the shuttlecraft. Tuvok, Torres, and Kim filled out the rest of the party. Ahead of the shuttle, the violet eye of the wormhole loomed large. Chakotay found that the experience of having passed through the aperture […]