The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
Set shortly after the events of the classic TOS episode “Space Seed,” Spock attempts to assess Caqptain Kirk’s decision to exile Khan Noonien Singh and his followers to Ceti Alpha V. Struggling with the logic of allowing Enterprise historian Marla McGivers to join Khan, Spock examines previous case studies on the Genetic Supermen of Earth, focussing on Captain Jonathan Archer’s conflict 108 years earlier with Dr. Arik Soong and his genetic augments, as well as Archer’s classified showdown with Endion Praius, a supreme genetic narcissist and superman from the 20th Century who established a secret, and very deadly, society on Cordonnia IV. As Spock investigates the story and horror of the original Enterprise NX-01 crew’s encounter with the genetic madman, he comes to a final revelation about Captain Kirk’s fateful decision – a decision Spock only comes to truly understand 20 years later, when his own death and resurrection comes as a result of Khan’s ultimate vengeance.