Stories by: Madison Bruffy
Nova Trek 15
01/13/15  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B11.1- Janet Kirk- Times Past and Present

Nova Trek 14
01/13/15  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

NT Book 11- On the Homefront

Nova Trek 13
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B10.1- Ventures

Nova Trek 12
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B10- An Empire to Build

Nova Trek 11
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B9- Last Voyage of the Sundown

Nova Trek 10
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B8.1- Timespot

Nova Trek 9
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B8- Special Report

Nova Trek 8
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B7.1 Nova Trek- Treasures

Nova Trek 7
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B7 A Tale of Two Captains- Part 3

Nova Trek 6
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B6 A Tale of Two Captains- Part 2

Nova Trek 5
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B5 A Tale of Two Captains- Part 1

Nova Trek 4
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B4- Nova Trek-Another Step Toward War

Nova Trek 3
11/10/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous


Nova Trek 2
11/09/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B2- Nova Trek-Guardian’s Child

Nova Trek
11/09/14  Tags:   Category: Miscellaneous

B1-Nova Trek- Gains and Losses