Stories tagged with: Enterprise

Star Trek TNG: Universal Schisms Part 3- Apocalypse Now
09/25/12  Tags: , , , , , ,
Category: The Next Generation  By: J.A Cope

With Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Galaxy in the hands of the Borg, and Starfleet preparing to fight a hopeless battle against the Borg, Captain Mark Smith must choose between duty and righteousness. Duty would mean the loss of Captain Picard. Righteousness could mean the end of the Enterprise. Time is running out for the misplaced Captain to restore the timeline to any semblance of normality without getting himself erased from time.

Star Trek TNG: Universal Schisms Part 1 – Sacrifice
09/16/12  Tags: , , , ,
Category: The Next Generation  By: J.A Cope

A Borg invasion around Stardate 77372.14 leads to the birth of a new crew of legends, commanding the newest Federation Flagship, the USS Lexington. Captain Mark Alexander Smith leads his crew in covert recon of a large Borg vessel headed for Earth. When the Borg discover and destroy his ship, Captain Smith awakes 40 years previously on the USS Enterprise (D), where an new Borg invasion is also happening. Captain Smith must work with Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to avert a temporal disaster,
NOTE: This is part 1(hopefully of about 4 or 5)
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The Teachings of Surak
04/28/12  Tags: , ,
Category: Miscellaneous  By: Greg Hoover

The Teachings of Surak Translated from the original Vulcan by Gregory Hoover The understanding of many great things has been revealed to us through logic. Concerning these things, Surak should always be remembered. For it is necessary, not only for Vulcans, but even for outsiders, to be competent, both in speaking and in writing, so […]

The Secret
03/26/12  Tags: , , ,
Category: Enterprise  By: Mike Crumpton

“Captain”, T’Pol’s voice echoed out of the intercom system. “Go ahead”, replied Captain Jonathan Archer. “Captain, I have something on long range sensors that you might want to see”, stated T’Pol in her even monotone voice. “On my way”, said Archer.  He closed the intercom connection and turned to his Chief Engineer.  “Trip, continue with […]

08/13/11  Tags: ,
Category: Enterprise  By: craig gordon

Thanks for choosing to read. Any comments please send to as i cant seem to view them on this site strangely. I will appreciate any comments. A dark room, this will make my job easier thought the shadowed assailant. The heavy metal door slid awkwardly shut behind him, making much scrapping and jarring, but even […]