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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
Chapter Five Seven of Nine was taking her time doing some routine maintenance to her alcove while at the same time listening to Naomi and Icheb while they worked on an educational jigsaw puzzle. “The point of the puzzle is to learn something about genetics,” Icheb said. “I’ve just been looking for pieces that look […]
Chapter Four Seven of Nine woke up in her and Samantha’s quarters and wondered why the room was so dark. She had set her alarm for the proper time, and Samantha had an earlier shift than her today. She noticed flickering lights and looked over to see the dinner table set up for an elaborate […]
Chapter Three The Doctor excitedly scanned the small piece of comet that had been beamed into a canister in the rear compartment of the Delta Flyer. While not his primary field of expertise, he was grateful for the opportunity to go on an away mission, especially since it had been a month since he’d gotten […]
Chapter Two Almost as soon as it became clear that the Class-4 cube, while not destroyed as they had hoped, was not pursuing them, Tom Paris got to work on building a second Delta Flyer. As is usually the case, the second Starfleet/Borg hybrid shuttle was finished considerably faster than the prototype. In Tom’s opinion, […]
Prologue A solitary Borg drone floats in space. The last surviving drone of a destroyed cube. The last cube destroyed in a war that the Collective forgot even happened, that everyone forgot happened. Through its still functioning visual receptor it sees the dead ship, the one that destroyed its cube before being crippled itself, possibly […]
Chapter Ten “I’m not saying you shouldn’t do it,” Samantha Wildman said to Seven of Nine. “I’m just saying that maybe you should try talking to her yourself before going to the Captain.” Seven of Nine raised an eyebrow. “The Captain asked me to oversee this year’s annual performance reviews. I do not see why […]
Chapter Nine Everything was set up. The first ever Voyager Science Fair was ready to begin. Naomi and the four Borg children had their experiments ready to go, and Seven of Nine felt pride in all of them. The twins, whose species had finally been identified as Wysanti, worked together on theirs while Naomi, Mezoti, […]
[Note: Whoops, I did not mean to post Chapter 8 before Chapter 7. I’d hope that would be obvious, but one can never be too careful] Chapter Seven Samantha Wildman was tired, but smiling. For the third night in a row, Naomi had slept through the night without waking up in terror. The worst of […]
Chapter Eight The silence was getting to be too much for Chakotay, but he couldn’t blame anyone other than himself. It had been his idea after all to choose three crew members who’d had no time in Delta Flyer for this away mission after all. It just never occurred to him that none of the […]
Chapter Five Seven of Nine stepped out of her alcove, fully recharged, and was greeted upon opening her eyes by the smiling face of her wife. “Morning, Sam,” she said. “Morning, Annie,” Samantha said. “Feeling better today?” “Much,” Seven said. “An extra day of regeneration was, as the Doctor said, exactly what I needed.” “And […]