Stories tagged with: Tom Paris

Sigma Squad

“Security to Sickbay,” sounded over the com. Ensign Savage dropped the dumbbell he had been curling and followed the squad to the turbolift. Once they arrived at Sickbay Lieutenant Ramirez took point. She was a fierce Latina and liked to use her rank to pull stuff like that, even if it wasn’t good tactics. This […]

Star Trek: Odyssey – The Isle of the Sun Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 “Here we go again,” said Tom. He was seated on Chakotay’s left, in the pilot seat of the shuttlecraft. Tuvok, Torres, and Kim filled out the rest of the party. Ahead of the shuttle, the violet eye of the wormhole loomed large. Chakotay found that the experience of having passed through the aperture […]


“Ghuy’cha!” B’Elanna snarled as the flicker of life she’d been coaxing from the plasma coolant systems with an engineer’s equivalent of open-heart surgery sputtered and died. Her hand balled into a fist at the end of her heavy arm, thrusting out. “Try a kick next time.” Tom advised from behind her as she brought her […]

Chute To The Heart
08/05/12  Tags: , ,
Category: Miscellaneous  By: Lady Janeway

Author’s Note: This is a standalone fan fiction I wrote after watching the episode “The Chute”. Harry and Tom share a romantic moment together and, because of this, Harry leaves forever changed.   Counselor Deanna Troi looked up from the folded hands in her lap, already showing signs of human aging, with a soft sigh. […]

Son of Jetrel

Son of Jetrel Talaxian Colony Rinax II, April 17 2459, Alpha Quadrant The comm system in Neelix’s office booted up. “Ambassador Neelix, we’re being hailed by Starfleet. It’s the U.S.S. Counterpoint. Should I route it through to you?” Neelix was a Talaxian whom Admiral Janeway, or at the time, Captain Kathryn Janeway, met in the […]

All you need is love Chapter 1
12/27/11  Tags: , , , ,
Category: Voyager  By: Lexi W

  Chapter 1  Science class was so boring. There was no point in it, I didn’t give a flying shit about cells and how they worked. Mural tapped me on my shoulder from her seat next to me. I leaned in closer so she could whisper in my ear. “Hey Lexi, isn’t he cute?” she […]