The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
Pretty much explained by the title. Rated 7 hankies.
It’s time for Kathryn and Chakotay to come to some real resolution about their relationship.
A look at what has happened 12 years after Voyager was returned to the Alpha Quadrant.
A Coda follow-up. A look at J/C’s relationship four years after Coda.
A very tiny Coda vingette that takes place in the cave when Janeway watches Chakotay attempt to save her life.
Part one of a new C/P series Story of Chakotay and Tom’s relationship told in flashback. Old-fashioned romance of two strong men who find unexpected love with one another.
Tom, Janeway and B’Elanna Paris read their parents logs.
Short short about m/m love and romance.
Pure romantic smut. Just what the title says.
Janeway’s response to Enigmatic Smile.
What Chakaotay is thinking behind the calm exterior.
Wildman asks Janeway and Chakotay to be the godparents to her child and this forces them to examine their own views on having children.
"There was an angry warrior…" We find out what happened to Janeway and Chakotay decades later.
Chakotays’s observations of Janeway on the bridge.
How the Resolutions episode should have ended.
Part one is the beginning. Part two is 20 years later. Romantic slash.
This takes place after the episode Resolutions. "You said you wanted to explore the river…" Janeway and Chakotay explore themselves and their relationship in a very special holodeck program. Parts 1-4 are PG. Part 5 is R or NC-17.
Four amusing dirty ditties about Tom and B’Elanna’s efforts to bring the Captain and Commander together.
This tells the story of how Janeway and Chakotay ended up agreeing to merge their crews and serve together.
Continuation of Basics, Part II beginning with him pulling the sheet over Seska’s body. Tells the story of how he and Seska ended up as lovers (as told to Janeway).
Short follow up to War Crimes. Chakotay tries to deal with what happened when he and Suder were captured by the Cardassians.
Chakotay is charged with war crimes after Suder’s personal logs implicate him in torture of the Cardassians during his Maquis days. This is a Maquis story told to Janeway by Chakotay from the brig where she has confined him. (post Basics, Part II).
A look at Kathryn and Chakotay on and off duty during the course of an ordinary day. This is VoyWriter’s view of how TPTB could integrate a relationship into the show.