The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
The first officer of the USS Heisenberg has a secret. The ship’s new Betazoid chief of security is intent on uncovering it. And a mysterious guest arriving in the middle of a dangerous mission puts a match to the fuse. A tale of divided loyalty set in the early twenty-fifth century (Star Trek Online era). Approx. 17K words.
After discovering a major smuggling ring in the Isolated Region, Captain Jackson and his crew are tasked with hunting it down. But things are more dangerous than they first appear…
Josh and the Oregon are reassigned to the other side of the Federation.
PROLOGUE “Throughout the history of Mankind, the challenge of travelling to and seeing new places and encountering new races both human and non-human has always been…and always will be there to be met. “Since the dawn of the Era of Space Travel that challenge has ever […]
Captain Jackson must face the music after his violent trip across the Neutral Zone. Meanwhile Saehir looks to start a new life.
The first adventure of Captain Joshua Jackson after he takes command of his Prometheus-class ship the USS Oregon six months after Shinzon’s death.
Star Trek: Hippopharalcus Meeting the Natives The peculiar double circular airlock doors slid open. The Hippopheralcus was docked at upper pylon 3 and Capatain Ilbrux, Commander Slitherin and Lieutenant Dorfl had been invited on board station. Well, Colonel Kira had invited Alana, but Rhemus had insisted on sending Salazar and Dorfl along. Though Alana was […]
Disclaimer: We don’t own Star Trek – but we do own the Hippopheralcus and her crew. you wouldn’t want them, anyway. Notes: So Hubby and I finally got Meagra to join the Star Trek world – and then we end up doing this to it. Sorry, our bad. Oh, and Salazar Slitherin was her invention […]
See part 1.
Cardassia is in ruins after the Dominion War. With the Federation emerging as the dominant power in the quadrant, Section 31 moves to further the Federation’s position by seeking the incorporation of the Cardassian Empire into the Federation while simultaneously fusing with the Klingon Empire. Cast List: Lord Groth (Klingon), Admiral Griss (Romulan), General Stevenson (Federation), General Cain (Section 31), Garak, General Haram (Romulan), Gul Reese (Cardassian), Jem’Hydar 1st