The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
Amanda grows up, and helps lead Voyager home, but not before taking a voyage of her own. Sequel to “Letters.”
Q gives Barclay an offer he can’t refuse.
Wesley starts at Starfleet Academy, and forms a mini romance with another cadet. Their relationship sets off a chain of events and eventually our favorite immortal comes to intervene.
What happens when Q goes into the past and starts to chat with teens ? Well, he picks three that he likes and sends out some e-mail. And he likes them so much that he sends them into Voyager Universe!
A story written with Cindy Brewer, where Q decides to induct three couples on Voyager into the his parenting circle. Here the creedo is–Lessons are often learned at the expense of the innocent.
With the help of Q and his little buddy, Nathan Bridger meets Jean-Luc Picard and Kristin Westphalen hangs out in the sixteenth century with Beverly Crusher. With all the principles in place, Q gives them a romp they’ll never forget. Please excuse the mushy ending.<G> But Destiny awaits in ‘SOULMATES.’
This story is set between the first two seasons, and concerns Q bringing Tasha back to life, among other things.
Q drops in on a sullen Janeway and decides it\’s time to repay his debt to her. He transports the entire crew to medieval France, and turns Janeway into Joan of Arc.