The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
Infinite vast of cold darkness
set with sparkling stars that warm up their orbiting island worlds.
These are the adventures of a starship Voyager
that flies under different stellar constellations
through the realms of strange civilizations.
On her odyssey trip across half the Galaxy,
Voyager is boldly exploring unknown regions
and admitting alien comrades to her crew,
while heading for a destination they believe is their home.
Infinite vast of cold darkness
set with sparkling stars that warm up their orbiting island worlds.
These are the adventures of a starship Voyager
that flies under different stellar constellations
through the realms of strange civilizations.
On her odyssey trip across half the Galaxy,
Voyager is boldly exploring unknown regions
and admitting alien comrades to her crew,
while heading for a destination they believe is their home.
Infinite vast of cold darkness
set with sparkling stars that warm up their orbiting island worlds.
These are the adventures of a starship Voyager
that flies under different stellar constellations
through the realms of strange civilizations.
On her odyssey trip across half the Galaxy,
Voyager is boldly exploring unknown regions
and admitting alien comrades to her crew,
while heading for a destination they believe is their home.
Infinite vast of cold darkness
set with sparkling stars that warm up their orbiting island worlds.
These are the adventures of a starship Voyager
that flies under different stellar constellations
through the realms of strange civilizations.
On her odyssey trip across half the Galaxy,
Voyager is boldly exploring unknown regions
and admitting alien comrades to her crew,
while heading for a destination they believe is their home.
Space. Infinite vast of cold darkness set with sparkling stars that warm up their orbiting island worlds. These are the adventures of a starship Voyager that flies under different stellar constellations through the realms of strange civilizations. On her odyssey trip across half the Galaxy, Voyager is boldly exploring unknown regions and admitting alien comrades to her crew, while heading for a destination they believe is their home.
Infinite vast of cold darkness
set with sparkling stars that warm up their orbiting island worlds.
These are the adventures of a starship Voyager
that flies under different stellar constellations
through the realms of strange civilizations.
On her odyssey trip across half the Galaxy,
Voyager is boldly exploring unknown regions
and admitting alien comrades to her crew,
while heading for a destination they believe is their home.
These are the adventures of a starship Voyager
that flies under different stellar constellations
while heading for a destination her crew believes is their home.
Chapter Eleven Seven of Nine hummed to herself while she did her routine diagnostics in the astrometrics lab. Everything was working fine of course, as it usually did, but she would not let pride in her work get in the way of her work. Just as she was wrapping, the noise associated with the detection […]
“A party?” Brian Sofin asked. “Well, yes,” Neelix said. “I’ve been shirking my duties lately as morale officer, and things may seem normal, but I think you know as well as I do, Brian, that morale hasn’t recovered any in the past two months.” “Can you blame them?” “Of course not,” Neelix said. “But I […]
“Good morning, Mister Carey,” Chakotay said as he passed the engineer in the corridor. “You seem happier than usual today, sir,” Carey said, stopping and turning around to catch up and match Chakotay’s pace. “Is it that obvious?” Chakotay asked. “Well, I hear you have reasons of your own to be in a good mood.” […]