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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
Chapter Eight “You’ve been working on this thing for nearly a month Annie,” Samantha Wildman said as she gently massaged Seven’s neck. “Are you ever going to tell me what it is?” Seven leaned back into Sam. “I suppose I have enough of a working hypothesis now,” she said. “Remember what I said about a […]
Chapter Seven “I thought we were trying to disable it,” Commander Chakotay said, as the debris from an exploded Borg probe ship filled the viewscreen. Seven of Nine checked her scanners, wondering what she had done wrong. She had been skeptical of the plan to try and capture the Borg ship, the smallest design the […]
Chapter Six “Computer, freeze program,” Tom Paris said. The villainous Doctor Chaotica and his minion Lanzak froze in place. “Oh what the hell, Tom?” Samantha Wildman said, wearing a low cut white dress while being tied to a chair. “What is the reason for this interruption?” Seven of Nine, wearing the uniform of Captain Proton, […]
Chapter Four: After a month of not being allowed to take the Delta Flyer out for a spin, the now Ensign Tom Paris had been happy when he finally got the chance again, going on a mission with Tuvok and Samantha Wildman. A few days in however, he suddenly found himself missing the safety of […]
Chapter Two “Hey Seven,” B’Elanna Torres said. “May I ask why you invited me to your quarters?” Seven said, hands behind her back and standing at attention. “At ease Seven, this isn’t a formal meeting. I actually had an idea last night. Care to sit down?” Seven looked at the chair B’Elanna motioned to, then […]
Prologue Seven of Nine watched from the corner of the mess hall as the Voyager crew was throwing yet another party. It had only been about five months since the joint party thrown for her and Harry Kim, and since then there are had been several birthdays, a Bajoran religious ceremony, and now a celebration […]
Chapter Nine Seven of Nine walked back and forth in her cargo bay, talking to herself quietly as she read from the PADD in her hand. “Measureless liar, thou hast made my heart too great for what contains it,” she said. “Measureless, liar. No, no, don’t pause, put an emphasis on the word liar. Yes, […]
Chapter Seven Seven of Nine awoke from her regeneration cycle to find herself alone. It took a moment’s reorientation to remember that Samantha had gone to bed early last night because she had a bridge shift this morning. Seven remembered that she had a scheduled maintenance inspection of the aft sensor array, and that Ensign […]
Chapter Six Two weeks later… “So, that made, what, our third encounter with the Hirogen in the past month?” Neelix said as he set down a tray of various snack foods on the mess hall table where Tom Paris, B’Elanna Torres, Joe Carey, Vorik, and Chell were seated. “That is correct,” Vorik said. “At least […]
Chapter Four “I think it’s safe to say that the new astrometrics lab is huge success,” Harry Kim said, holding up a glass as he spoke. “A whole week without any bugs or problems whatsoever.” “If I were inclined to superstition,” Seven of Nine said, “I would say you are tempting fate with that remark. […]