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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
On star base DS9 after a long shift Chief O’Brian was sitting on the last of the bar stools at Quark’s bars as he dedicated to get something to eat before heading home he saw that Worf ad Dax was sitting at a table not too far away and a few patrons were at the […]
NOBODY’S CHILD by Pat McCoy CHAPTER TWELVE – To Boldly Go Pat is unable to control her tears as she boards her ship bound for Q’onos. The crew-members discreetly keep their distance as she heads straight to her guest quarters and closes the door. She sends her thoughts to her husband, “Please stay safe, my […]
NOBODY’S CHILD by Pat McCoy CHAPTER ELEVEN – Hither, Yon and Another Family Mystery Pat and Sam have snuck onto a runabout which takes them to a friend’s ship that has been in standard orbit with other ships. They beam from the runabout onto the friend’s ship where they find that their luggage has already […]
NOBODY’S CHILD by Pat McCoy CHAPTER TEN – You Are Cordially Invited to the Bonding Pat sees the room change from San Francisco to the transporter room aboard the Enterprise. The Captain greets them with a smile as she asks him, “Permission to come aboard?” “Permission granted and welcome back!”, the Captain replies, “It’s good […]
NOBODY’S CHILD by Pat McCoy CHAPTER EIGHT – Homeward Bound Sam looks about the transporter room. “It would appear to be so. I have heard much about the different incarnations of the U.S.S. Enterprise!” Pat looks back at her Great-Grandfather, who is scowling. “What?” “Would you mind stepping off so that WE can get off?! […]
NOBODY’S CHILD by Pat McCoy CHAPTER FIVE – Celebrations at DS9 Patricia steps through the airlock of Deep Space Nine and looks about the Promenade. The place is bustling with activity in preparation for celebrating the anniversary of the Defeat of the Dominion. She is surprised to see Bajorans and Cardassians working side-by-side on various […]
The Enterprise damaged, the fleet on the verge of destruction, the Borg beginning to dominate. Captain Mark Smith and the Crew of the Enterprise-D begin to see only 1 way out of the dire straits. Kill the queen, rescue Picard and destroy the Borg. But with the Enterprise all but destroyed, will they be able to achieve what the Alpha Quadrant fully believes to be an impossible cause
With Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Galaxy in the hands of the Borg, and Starfleet preparing to fight a hopeless battle against the Borg, Captain Mark Smith must choose between duty and righteousness. Duty would mean the loss of Captain Picard. Righteousness could mean the end of the Enterprise. Time is running out for the misplaced Captain to restore the timeline to any semblance of normality without getting himself erased from time.
After recieving the command of the Enterprise E, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the rest of the Federation are at war. With Worf now serving on Ds9 and the newly comissioned USS Defiant, the crew of the Enterprise are heading to the battle of the Chin’toka System.
*note: this is still a work in progress. I will add more details to the story as time goes on. I am currently trying to write another Star Trek story, so I will add more things periodically. enjoy! And yes, i did give picard a softer side.
p.s. sorry if you dont like the story. First one i ever got far on, and it was written by a 17 year old. If you have any critiques, feel free to contact me at
Star Trek: Dark Tide I. From beyond the Frontier. A Star Trek Fan fiction by Clint H. Hoyt Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek, which belongs to Gene Roddenberry and Paramount. Also this will also be a crossover, with Characters from Sakura Wars, Star Wars, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds and Nadia: […]