The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
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The Early Days of Fan Fiction on
21st Century A. J. Mittendorf all Area 51 Beverly Crusher borg Ceph chakotay data Deanna Troi ds9 E-Bug Enterprise Enterprise D janeway kim kirk Klingons matthews Mittendorf new characters new crew new series new ship original characters paris Peri pg-13 picard q riker Samantha Wildman Seven of Nine spock Star Fleet star trek The Doctor tng torres tos tuvok U.S.S. Phoenix-X vulcan Will Riker worf
Here is the first part of a two part story I wrote about a young Dr. McCoy shortly after the death of his father, and before the break up of his marriage based upon the episode idea, Joanna by D.C. Fontana.
In the Mirror, Mirror universe, Saavik becomes a player in Spock’s plans to overthrow the Empire.
A lifeless planet around a star about to go nova is covered with mysterious structures that may have been made by sentient life long ago. And one strange energy signature…
Number One suspects her old Academy nemesis is allowing Federation governments to illegally dump their criminals on a notoriously vicious planet.
This is a classic Star Trek tale that pits Kirk against his own crew in a battle for his very survival.
Chief Engineer Scott, trapped in a damaged shuttlecraft in a decaying orbit around a black hole, is stymied by a simple, metal screw.
Chekov gets a special assignment, as Kirk tries to keep the Federation together, in this often humorous story.
Spock and Leila after Omicron Ceti, on the way to Starbase 27.
Kirk wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. What could go wrong?
Stranded on an alien planet, Spock and a female officer from his past fight to survive, while Captain Kirk races to uncover a plot that threatens interstellar war. Will he be able to avert the crisis and get back to the planet in time to save them?
A missing scene from “the Empath”, after the Vyanns disappear with Gem, but before we next see Kirk, Spock and McCoy on the bridge.
Once more Spock is ill (poor guy, someone should do something for him!). Doctor McCoy has to find out what it is. Captain Kirk has to worry.
A short story about Spock teaching at Starfleet Academy, a cat and a computer bug.
A very young Spock is lost in a Vulcan desert, along with his Human cousin. Both the boys will learn something from the adventure.
Dr McCoy learns to his own expense that it is dangerous to pick up and bring home unknown things.
A new arrival to the Enterprise discovers that she and Spock have a lot in common.
A new arrival to the Enterprise discovers that she and Spock have a lot in common.
Mudd’s “testimony” to a Starfleet investigator on how he escaped from Mudd’s Planet of androids.
STAR TREK A Second Home by Cory Pelc For my wife—and her acceptance of my quirks. CHAPTER 1 Leonard McCoy was tired. Tired of dealing with the constant threats to the well-being of the crew, and tired of filling out the endless death certificates. The last such “adventure” had claimed a […]
Star Trek We Traverse Afar By Dirk Wickenden I wish to apologise if any of this appears blasphemous to believers, it is not intended as such, as I am Christian myself but just to present a literal Star Trek nativity story. It might bring people to God, who before have avoided the subject or not […]
Author’s Note – Fascinated by the strange goings on in the BBC’s CBeebies TV programme In The Night Garden (having a young son means one watches such kids’ programmes!), I suddenly was struck by inspiration and penned the following story as a crossover between Kirk-era Trek and In The Night Garden – I believe this […]
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’The Dosadi Suite’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] unt) FOREWORD For those of you not terribly familiar with the Star Trek universe (all rights owned by Paramoallow me to provide a brief background. “The United Federation of Planets (abbreviated as UFP and commonly referred to as the […]
“God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.” – William Shakespeare The little girl’s laughter was like the sound of a springtime brook, gurgling and chuckling over sun-dappled rocks. Her spun-gold hair twinkled in the floating lights as they thrummed back through the air into their charging cradles to shut down and be packed away […]
Forward Here Posted is the first TWO Chapters of a 25 Chapter Book. I wrote this 20 years ago, for fun, while trapped in the subway to and from work every day. Thought it might be intriguing to put it out there. I am just editing as I go along so the other chapters will […]
An attack on a Federation outpost with illegal weapons places the entire Federation on alert status. It is up to the former commander of the outpost, a young Federation officer, to team up with Captain Kirk and select members of the Enterprise crew on a covert mission into the Neutral Zone to discover those responsible for the attack, and prevent a devastating war.
The Pax Void Incident By Amy Bisson Captain James T. Kirk leaned forward in his chair, studying the viewscreen intently. He could see the pirate ship straight ahead, seeming to get smaller. “Increase speed to warp 8.1,” he ordered. “Warp 8.1, aye,” acknowledged Sulu. “He is approaching the Pax Void. He will enter […]
Prisoners Of Time by David Downey Captain’s log, stardate 6011.5. The Enterprise has been sent to Tau Delta, a previously unexplored system, to investigate the disappearance of scout ship USS Crockett. We are beginning our search at Tau Delta II, which has an atmosphere that is curiously resistant to our sensors. “Achieved standard orbit,” […]
LATER IN THE EPISODE “Mr. Spock,” Palmer said, “We’ve managed to pierce the interference locally.” “Can you raise Star Fleet?” Spock asked. “No, sir,” she replied. “But I’ve got ship to ship back. Picking up Captain Kirk.” “On audio, Lt.” Kirk’s worried, frustrated voice came over the speaker. “Kirk to Enterprise….Enterprise, come in…” Spock moved to […]
********************************Foreword********************************** This is something I’ve been thinking of doing for a good portion of my life. “The Doomsday Machine” was the very first “Star Trek TOS” episode I ever saw 50 years ago. I was 8 years old. Being a “spaceship groupie” it’s always been my favorite episode; something I was proud to have in common […]
PROLOGUE Captain Ther’kev had little time to react. His ship was drained of seventy-five percent of its power. Weapons were offline and the strange six shuttles that appeared out of nowhere following the drain had commandeered six of his finest tactical officers. He never saw it coming. Ther’kev stood face-to-face with the large alien ship […]
Destination Star Trek
A malfunction transports Kirk and Spock to a high school of the 1970s.
Prologue Since his first star gazing expedition with his father when he was 8 years old, to the Peak of Fools in the Kuznetsk Alatau Mountains, Pavel Andreievich Chekov had anticipated this special occasion. His first day as ensign aboard a Starfleet starship had finally dawned! Pavel was woken up by a dim light that […]